Wednesday, June 11, 2008

See what happens when you grow up with computers...

Hippie girl
Hippie girl,
originally uploaded by suckedingrumpyoldwoman.
You get to enjoy your nights at events like your friend's "Host a Murder" party (at least I think that's what they're called) as a 60's hippie girl, while your mother labours over the same Learning 2.0 Lesson she tried to complete last night. So daughter gets to look serene while mother stays home getting grumpier by the minute. (Excuse me but in the fairytale, wasn't it the daughter who was the Cinderella character??) Well, maybe I should stop there, because I'm thinking this time the upload is going to work. (Well, it had better - this being grumpy business is just too exhausting for words, which I'm now officially out of!) So let's give it a whirl, shall we?...

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